Commit Messages
A typical git commit message will look like this:
<type>(<scope>): <subject>
The type, the scope and the subject should always be written in lowercase and have no more than 70 chars. But what we should write about each of them?
It should be adopted one of the following types in a commit message:
Type | Description | Notes |
feat | A new feature | new feature for the user, not a new feature for the build script |
fix | A bug fix | bugfix for the user, not a fix to a build script |
docs | Documentation related changes | changes to the documentation |
style | A code that is related to styling that not affects the meaning of the code | white-space, formatting, missing semicolons, etc. |
refactor | A code that neither fix bug nor adds a feature | refactoring production code; when there are semantic changes; e.g. renaming a variable/function name |
perf | A code that improves performance | e.g. refactoring a function or a component |
test | Adding new test or making changes to existing test(s) | adding missing tests, refactoring tests; no production code change |
chore | Changes to the build process or auxiliary tools and libraries such as documentation generation | updating grunt tasks etc.; no production code change |
The scope should always be chosen according to the following criteria:
- should be a generalist and simple, being always composed by only one word
- in case of being a code change that affects all the project,
should be the scope - do not use the name of created files or the added feature.
- describe briefly what you did in that commit
- use imperative, present tense (eg: use "add" instead of "added" or "adds")
- don't use dot(.) at the end
- don't capitalize the first letter
There are many tools that I used to write this article, like Commitizen.
If you have any suggestions, please get in touch :)
© Carlos Silva AbreuRSS