Oh My Zsh Git Aliases
What is Oh My Zsh
First of all, it's important to mention that, according to its website, Zsh (Z-shell) is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language.
Oh My Zsh stands for a community-driven and open-source framework that allow Zsh configuration management and it comes bundled with thousands of helpful functions, helpers, plugins and themes (you can find my configuration here).
One of the helpful things that Oh My Zsh already has integrated is some git aliases that we can use, to write git commands but faster and more efficient.
Git aliases
Let's take a look on some aliases that you can use:
Alias | Command | Notes |
gco | git checkout | write the name of the branch you want to checkout |
gco - | git checkout ${previous_branch} | so nice when you're working frequently in two branches |
gcd | git checkout develop | straightforward |
gcb | git checkout -b | when you need to create a branch |
gcmsg | git commit -m | just need to write the commit message using '' or "" |
gpsup | git push --set-upstream origin $(current_branch) | in the first push, there's no set upstream anymore |
gl | git pull | straightforward |
gp | git push | straightforward |
gm | git merge | straightforward |
gst | git status | straightforward |
Some notes
Of course, you can use and personalize your configuration with a lot of stuff. This is only one of the things that will save some (but a lot) time in your work time. :D
© Carlos Silva AbreuRSS